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The importance of textile certifications

L'importanza delle certificazioni tessili

In this article we will try to explain in a simple and summary way why textile certifications play such an important and almost essential role. when defining the sustainability of a clothing brand.


When we talk about textile certifications we often tend to have a rather abstract conception of them, so let's try to give them a definition immediately:

"The certifications are certificates of qualification that are issued upon request to the textile supply chains only after having passed the inspection of a certifying body"

The latter will be responsible for verifying, through a series of checks , whether the standards and production methods of the applicant company meet the minimum requirements necessary to obtain the much sought-after certification. It should also be specified that in turn, any private body capable of issuing a textile certification must be compulsorily approved by the same.


When a private entity arrives on site to carry out the inspection of the textile supply chain , it will carry out a whole series of checks to test the production standards. Obviously these checks vary according to the type of certification , below we will see which areas are inspected to obtain the GOTS (Global Organic Textile standard) certification:

1- first phase of production

2- spinning

3- weaving and knitting

4- wet processing

5- manufacturing

6- marketing

This is the inspection cycle established by the GOTS , and only in the event that all these areas comply with their standards, the inspected textile supply chain will subsequently be approved and obtained the textile certification. To continue to benefit from the certification, the manufacturing company will have to repeat this cycle annually , otherwise it will meet the deadline.


The advantages that result from obtaining a textile certification can be many:

- credible guarantee of the biological origin of the product.

- The entire supply chain is covered, from harvesting to production to trade, offering transparency to end consumers.

- Protection of the health , safety and rights of employees. Social criteria and ethical business behavior are essential prerequisites for obtaining a certification

- Certified products meet technical quality parameters such as color fastness, shrinkage, etc.

In summary, the certification attests both the sustainability and the higher quality of the final product.


As previously anticipated, there are different types of certification:

- Organic certification of the fiber

- Ethical and social certification

- Recycling certification

Often, as in GOTS, some of these requirements merge to give life to a hybrid certification capable of guaranteeing both biological and social coverage. However, each of these 3 branches is very important to certify the 360-degree sustainability of a clothing brand.


Shenty is synonymous with maximum transparency , to the point that within the "who we are" and "sustainability" sections, present on our online shop, you can find all the information on the origin of our products . Below we list what are our textile certifications:

GOTS : the most important world standard for textile processing of organic fibers, includes strict environmental and social criteria. These include, for example, the evaluation of all chemical processes (pesticides, dyes, etc.), which must meet the basic requirements of toxicity and biodegradability .

GRS: The Global Recycled Standard certification is managed by the Textile Exchange, a non-profit organization that is responsible for certifying fashion companies that produce clothing with certain quantities of recycled materials . The certification is awarded to companies that respect very strict environmental rules, but also social rights along the entire production chain (exploitation of child labor, minimum wages, overtime, etc.).

PETA VEGAN : People for Ethcal Treatment of Animals, is a non-profit association that for years has been investigating and fighting internationally against the violence suffered by animals working on a global scale. It is certainly the best known certification, but also the first "cruelty free" for the textile industry. A PETA Vegan certified garment does not contain any material of animal origin .


As you have seen, buying a certified garment is not only synonymous with guarantee and transparency but also with quality . But unfortunately. in recent years, sustainable fashion has also begun to spread within several pioneering Fast Fashion companies that are operating a strong "Green Washing" policy, all obviously at bargain prices . Often, on the tags of their clothing, you will find various indications in which the eco-sustainable characteristics of production are praised, less water consumption, tot recycled plastic bottles etc. To then discover, on the internal label , that 99% of that garment was actually produced using normal cotton or worse yet synthetic materials and only a minimal and embarrassing amount of recycled material or organic cotton. It goes without saying that these articles are absolutely devoid of any certification. This means that we do not know if the materials used are really sustainable , we do not know if the person who made the garment was made to work in a dignified manner , and a whole series of problems deriving from the low reliability of these companies.


Our invitation is to buy eco-sustainable products from certified brands , no matter whether they are niche or still little known , what matters most is their transparency and availability in explaining everything about the origin of their clothing. The price of an eco-sustainable and certified item will clearly be higher than one that does not enjoy these benefits , but what you need to understand is that by purchasing a product of this type, you are actually saving money . The quality will allow you a greater longevity of the products and you will avoid having to constantly buy new ones. Furthermore, if you are still skeptical about the high costs of sustainable fashion, you can always wait for the sales and promotions periods to buy your first eco item and test its many advantages.

Thank you for reading this important article, our information and training work will continue next week, with a new topic to discuss together.