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Shenty Corner Shop

Shenty Corner Shop

Welcome back to the Shenty Blog , as some of you already know, last week was very important for us, a step forward in a new direction , the achievement of one of the many goals that we set ourselves every day. We have officially inaugurated our new, as well as the first Offline Corner Shop , embarking on a new path of coexistence between this reality and the already established one represented by the Online counterpart. In this article we will explain in detail all the advantages that you can take advantage of by purchasing our products through the Corner Shop, but first let's start from the most important topic, that is the collaboration with Pf Style .


The first Shenty Corner Shop is located inside the Pf Style Hairdressers shop, specifically located in Cusano Milanino, Viale Cooperation 69 , in the province of Milan. Many have surely wondered why a collaboration between a clothing brand and a hairdresser , so we will be happy to explain the reasons and the fruits that will arise from this idea. The collaboration was achieved thanks to the determination of both companies in wanting to study and apply increasingly sustainable methods inherent to their business. Shenty was born and grows as a 360-degree eco-sustainable clothing brand, Pf Style is instead a hairdressing brand that is currently in a moment of metamorphosis and transition , of study and design in order to definitively embrace a respectful ethic towards the environment . The two activities coexist in the same physical space, to create a combination that will accompany the customer on a journey towards sustainability . Pf style offers a range of organic and sustainable hair products and treatments, monitors and tries to drastically reduce the consumption derived from its business, such as water, paper, plastic and electricity. The shop is decorated with furniture in perfect harmony with nature where green plants and bamboo canes find space. The main topic within the store is and will always be Sustainability, as the benefits of the green ethics of both activities are disseminated daily, thus carrying out an important information task . The staff will explain in detail the difference between an organic cotton t-shirt and a normal one, between an organic and natural hair product rather than a commercial and chemical one. The ultimate goal is precisely to raise awareness and train customers by opening the doors to a more ecological lifestyle . The collaboration is destined to last a long time, thanks also to the realization of important projects for the future , but for the moment, no spoilers.


The corner shop brings with it many advantages for all customers interested in both activities. Let's go and see them one by one:

- Possibility to try on Shenty clothing:

this is certainly the most important novelty in a Shenty key. Until recently it was only possible to make purchases online, without having any opportunity to try on clothing. The exhibition corner will allow you to touch our products first hand, evaluate their quality, but above all try them and find the size that suits you, thus avoiding possible future returns that would generate further CO2 emissions caused by means of transport. Once you have tried on your garment, you can order it online directly on site, where you will be followed step by step by one of the sales staff in the store. As this is an Exhibition Sale, you will have 2 options: place the order and have it conveniently shipped to your home , or select the Pf Style Corner Shop as a collection point . And it is here that we present the second and important news.

- Avoid shipping costs:

as anticipated above, by selecting the Corner Shop Pf Style as a collection point at checkout, you will not have any cost for shipping costs . Your order will be processed and within 24 hours your garment will be made available at the collection point, or at the same Pf Style store . You will have 15 days to pick up your package, just go to the store with the official Shenty email that will testify the veracity of your order. The collection option at the Corner Shop is available both if you are buying directly on the spot, or if you are buying online from your home or anywhere else, just select it at checkout.

- Get discounts and exclusive offers related to both activities:

by performing a service with one of the Pf Style hairdressers, you will immediately be entitled to an exclusive 10% discount code that can be used for the purchase of each Shenty item. And on the contrary, by purchasing a Shenty garment you can immediately enjoy a 10% discount on any Pf Style service . But the offers do not end there as they will be updated and implemented based on events and special days .

- Download the official Pf Styel app:

Pf style offers the opportunity to all its customers to be able to book a haircut via the mobile app. The app is available for both IOS and Android devices, and is absolutely free, to download it just type "Pf Style" in the search bar of your official app store. Take advantage of the convenience of booking directly with your smartphone, choose the hairdresser you prefer and monitor its daily availability through the calendar. Booking via the app will immediately entitle you to an exclusive 10% discount code on all Shenty clothing.

We have therefore shown you every side of the collaboration between Shenty and Pf Style and all the advantages inherent in the exhibition Corner Shop, now you just have to come and visit us , to take part in a new and unprecedented sustainable experience .

We will again provide you with the full address :

Viale Cooperation 69, Cusano Milanino (MI), Pf Style Hairdressers.

Thank you for reading the full Shenty Blog article and see you next week.