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Tips for a sustainable lifestyle

Consigli per uno stile di vita sostenibile

One of the most frequent questions we receive from our customers is the following: what are the first steps to adopt a sustainable lifestyle? What can I do in everyday life to try to respect the environment?

We will try to answer these questions in the new Shenty Blog article. There are several areas or sectors for which our choices are fundamental to begin making concrete changes towards a more sustainable lifestyle:

1) Power supply

2) Means of transport

3) Waste

4) Energy consumption

5) Choice of products

So let's analyze together how these 5 areas can be positively influenced by our actions.


The impact that food has in terms of environmental sustainability is by far the greatest and this is why the choice of what we eat in our daily lives is of fundamental importance:

- Red meat, for example, is considerably more harmful to the environment than other foods, so it would be a good idea to try to drastically reduce its consumption

- Eating seasonal fruit and vegetables is very important, in doing so we will avoid buying polluting out-of-season products, as they are chemically treated in greenhouses; we will also reduce the CO2 emissions caused by means of transport for the export of the same.

- Eat local food products: the same argument seen previously, less CO2 emissions deriving from means of transport, as well as fresher and healthier products.


the way we move and make our daily journeys can have an extreme impact on the environment. So let's see how we can reduce our ecological footprint:

- Limit the use of your car as much as possible: it may seem trivial and obvious but it's the most concrete thing we can do, we should only learn to use it when we really need it.

- Move on foot or by bicycle: this is a direct consequence of what we have seen before. Short daily trips are those that have a greater ecological footprint in our lives, so don't be lazy, a good walk is not only sustainable but also healthy.

- Travel by train for long journeys: this is undoubtedly the most difficult choice, as preferring a train journey to the comfort and speed of an airplane is undoubtedly complicated. But you must know that air traffic is one of the major causes of air pollution, so when you can choose the train, for example for national travel.


Reducing the amount of waste we produce every day is one of the first steps towards adopting an ecological lifestyle.

- Reduce food waste: check your stocks daily, create a feeding schedule and a shopping schedule. The first step to reduce waste is just that, buy only what you really need.

- Separate waste: here too the advice may seem trivial and obvious, yet we feel like reminding you of it given that in Italy the data relating to separate waste collection still makes one shiver in 2023.

- Reuse instead of throw away: learn not to throw everything away, a lot of objects can be repaired or reused.


Energy consumption has a negative impact on the environment every day, the precautions that each of us can take to improve the situation are really simple and feasible.

- Reduce water consumption: wasting water is truly one of the most common things in homes, but concrete actions are truly within everyone's reach. First we should take showers much faster, also turning off the bathroom tap when not needed would be a great idea, for example when brushing your teeth or shaving.

- Unplug electrical devices when they're not in use and turn off the lights when they're not needed: in addition to helping the environment, it will also help your bills.

- Turn on the heating only when really necessary: ​​even in this case waste is always around the corner.


Everything we buy has a more or less harmful footprint on the environment, therefore the conscious choice of products is of vital importance.

- Choose the products of companies that are committed to environmental sustainability: the most striking example is precisely in clothing, buy from brands that offer garments made with sustainable methods.

- Always opt for products with ecological packaging: plastic packaging is one of the major causes of pollution globally.

- Buy only if you really need to, and where possible buy used products.


At Shenty we work every day to try to reduce our environmental impact and seek ever more sustainable solutions inherent in our business. We produce high quality certified ecological clothing able to resist over time, but we do not limit ourselves to this. Packaging, shipping, labelling, printing and embroidering, every branch of our daily work is perfected in the direction of maximum environmental sustainability.

But above all we inform, because it is thanks to information that we can really do our part to try to change things.