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Plasticfree July and links with eco-friendly fashion

Plasticfree July e i collegamenti con la moda eco-friendly

Summer is the perfect time to make conscious choices and adopt new sustainable lifestyles. In July, a global movement called Plasticfree July calls on people around the world to reduce their use of single-use plastics and look for more sustainable alternatives.

In this blog post, we'll look at Plasticfree July and its connection to eco-friendly fashion, providing tips on how to incorporate sustainable fashion choices into our daily lives.


Plasticfree July is a movement that started in Australia in 2011 and has grown to become a global event. The main aim is to encourage people to refuse the use of single-use plastics for the entire month of July and ideally for life. This includes eliminating items such as plastic bottles, bags, straws and single-use food containers. Reducing the use of plastics is essential for protecting the environment, as plastics can take hundreds of years to decompose and have a negative impact on marine life and terrestrial ecosystems.


Plasticfree July offers an opportunity to reflect on our relationship with plastic and to extend this awareness to the fashion sector as well. There are numerous links between Plasticfree July and sustainable fashion that we can explore:

1. Reduction in the use of synthetic materials: Choosing clothes made with natural materials such as organic cotton ( Shenty organic cotton t-shirt ), linen or hemp reduces the reliance on petroleum-based synthetic materials, such as polyester, that contribute to the production of plastic.

2. Avoid plastic in clothes: When we buy clothes, we have to pay attention to details, such as buttons, zippers and accessories made of plastic. Opting for natural materials or eco-friendly substitutes will reduce our plastic footprint.

3. Repair and Reuse: Instead of throwing out old or damaged clothes, we can learn to repair or repurpose them in creative ways. This reduces the need to buy new clothes and contributes to more sustainable fashion.

4. Conscious shopping: Choosing brands that adopt sustainable practices, such as using recycled or organic fabrics, adopting low-impact production processes and supporting local communities, is one way to promote eco-friendly fashion.

5. Circular Economy: Exploring options like renting clothing or buying secondhand clothes is a way to reduce the production of new garments and breathe new life into existing ones.

Plasticfree July invites us to reflect on the use of single-use plastic in our daily lives, but it can also be a starting point to explore sustainable fashion. Choosing eco-friendly fashion allows us to reduce the environmental impact of the fashion industry and contribute to a more sustainable future. Every choice we make matters and can make a difference. So, let's start this July by reducing the use of single-use plastics and making sustainable fashion choices that fit our lifestyles. Sustainability and style can go hand in hand, and Plasticfree July is a great time to embrace that connection.