What is Social Rewards?
Social Rewards is a prize initiative created by Shenty to share the passion for the brand and sustainable clothing only with members of the SY Community.

How does it work ?
1- Join the Shenty SY community
2- Take a picture wearing your Shenty garment
3- Share it on Instagram as a Post , tagging the official Shenty page: the.shenty
4- The Tag is considered valid only if it is also present in the description of the Post
5- Your profile must be Public and not Private
6- Your account must be active, profiles that do not have photos or posts are not eligible
7- We will check that everything is ok , and that you have respected the procedure above
8- You will be contacted by us via Mail or Instagram Direct to receive your Rewards
Camiseta - Kaktus
Monthly premiums
Rewards are awarded at the end of the month based on the goals you have achieved :
1- First post : 10% discount code
2- 3 Posts / Month : 30% discount code
3- 5 Posts / Month : 1 product of your size as a surprise gift
Post count
Each Shenty product with which you click and share, can be used for a maximum of 2 posts , subsequent times will not be considered valid . Use another article to get your post counted .